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Annie Book

Annie Book

Annie Book is a financial wizard who has devoted her life’s work to specializing in women and their money. She works with women in all phases of their financial evolution and sees time and time again how the undercurrents of emotional baggage continue to keep women from reaching their full financial potential. She knows how women aren’t comfortable holding space at the table and how it is not necessarily the numbers, but the feelings that are holding them back.  Annie wants to empower women to find their voice and feel in control of their money. She wants them to feel confident and secure, trusting themselves to determine how their money works for them. 


When she isn’t knee deep in spreadsheets and bank accounts Annie loves traveling, spending time with friends and rock climbing. A native Oregonian, her roots are deep in the Pacific Northwest and her family is her heart center. She lives in Sherwood with her four kids and husband. 

“Financial empowerment is the best investment you can make for yourself.”
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