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Why I love retreats

Maybe it is the way my eyes light up when I talk about hosting women’s retreats that makes people so curious about them. There is something very special about these weekends and it’s a little hard to put into words. But I get it. Saying “just trust me, it will be amazing,” isn’t enough. So let me try a few more words. 

These weekends are nurturing. I create a space for women to connect with themselves and each other and tend to their hearts and bodies in a way that many of us rarely do. I ensure that the beds, the food, the content are all in line with the intention of self care and growth. I want women to feel held in the softest of nests so that they can push the boundaries of their own growth. 

These weekends are therapeutic. While there is downtime, space to wander off by yourself on the beach, time to take a nap or sleep in, there is also therapy. A lot of therapy. I am working with the group from beginning to end. We do six therapy groups during the weekend and often participants will find time to connect with me individually as well. While this sounds like a lot, the time is intentional, and flows in such a nurturing way. By the end we feel complete and ready to take our growth back into the real world. It’s like a year’s worth of therapy packed into one weekend. 

These weekends are intimate. I have seen friendships and group dynamics emerge from these weekends that grow and deepen over the years. I have groups of women who commit to return to retreat together every year! 

I love working with women, but women in community with each other are magic. I have never seen so much growth, love, support, and empowerment as what occurs in these retreat weekends. Whether we are focused on anxiety, working with our nervous systems, self care, or financial empowerment, the depth and healing that occur in these communities is something I wish every woman could experience. 

It is such an honor to have a job that allows me to offer these kinds of therapeutic weekends. I am so grateful for the women who trust me and embark on these journeys with me. I hope you will join us.


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