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Why Retreats?

Because women in community heal each other.

We believe deeply that healing our relationship with money is a multifaceted endeavor. After many years in our respective work, both Annie and Darci have seen time and time again the deep pain that women have around money.  Regardless of how much or how little they have they feel the same shame, fear, scarcity and trauma. It’s not about the numbers, it’s about the narratives, traumas and sticking points underneath. We also know that women in community heal each other. There is power in community, in hearing, holding, nurturing each other. When women of all incomes and backgrounds come together to dig underneath the numbers we are truly able to break down barriers and build a new foundation. 


Our retreats are  therapeutic weekends of deep exploration around the relationship with money, narratives, beliefs, traumas, and sticking points. You will be held in a nest of 12 amazing women, while Annie and I help you and your cohort to pull threads of the tethers that are keeping you back. This weekend is all-inclusive and fully nurturing. You will spend the weekend in a beautiful location on the coast, with saunas and jacuzzis to help you dive into self care, meditation, lovingly prepared food and have all your needs tended to. You only need to tend to your heart as it opens up. 


Often times women prioritize everyone and everything above themselves. This is an opportunity to truly take care of you, come into a protected and nurturing environment in which you will be supported and held while you dig into your relationship with money and build a foundation from which you can actually level up and learn to stand in your own greatness. 

Want to hear more about our retreats?
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Upcoming Retreats

We want our clients to have access to ongoing self care, financial empowerment and educational days, both virtual and in person, to support and supplement their work. These events are open to all Her Table clients on an ongoing basis. Sign up for the newsletter, check out our calendar and dip into what feels good to you.

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