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Vision Day

Make time and space to bring your vision into focus.

Sometimes we don't know where we want to start. Individual Level Up Days are about setting aside the time and space to figure out your path forward. Part executive coaching, part therapy, part financial coaching, you get 3-5 hours with both Annie and Darci to dive deep into your heart, financial picture and goals to map out the perfect plan for you. 

This private retreat day is meant to hold you in a soft therapeutic hug, while we sort through your vision and goals and create a map. For some people, this is all they need. For others it is the beginning of their journey with Her Table. Some women may use these as a yearly reset to determine their course for the next year.


When you schedule a Private Vision Day you are truly investing in yourself

Devote time and space to defining your own process

Executive coaching helps identify your next goals

Held in a location of your choice. Our office or yours or anywhere you feel held and open

Begin with curiosity

End with clarity and a map for your journey

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